Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rainy Day Fun

Today was day 2 of Softball camp and after a quick chat with the coach, Caroline and Ashton were together (and not with Avery, the name-caller). A huge storm moved through late this morning and Nicole managed to get both girls in her car before it started raining. We were so glad she picked them up early today. We had been watching the weather online and she had decided to go over there a little early just in case.

This afternoon, the kids have been planning a movie. They are working on a remake of Star Wars. Most of the time has been spent making props out of Uberstix (yes, Uberstix again!). They have made bounty hunter bombs, lightsabers, and blasters. They are trying to figure out how to create a Millenium Falcon. Joseph is the Director and is quite concerned with his editing cabilities since the Vidster has very limited memory. They have also raided Alex's room for R2D2 and a real Light Saber. This should be good. ;)
I forgot to tell Caroline's impression of softball. She is having fun at camp. I asked her if she might want to be on a team in the fall to play real softball games. Her response was, "Would there be humans watching me?"
"Well, I don't want to do that then. I get a little shy."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are pleased to carry Uberstix!

Landbridge Toys