Sunday, April 5, 2009

Marathon Kids

The kids participated in Marathon Kids during this school year. Saturday was the big culminating event where they ran the "last mile" at Loos Stadium in Dallas.
The stadium was filled on the home side with kids. There were school districts there that brought busloads and busloads of kids. It was really organized though. They took down one section of the stands at a time and let them do the lap, while the other groups waited.
Here we are waiting. They kept the kids warmed up by having them do some dance moves.
Joseph is getting in the mode...
This is what they look like when they start a group. They paced them for about a quarter lap before they let them run.
Here are Ken and the girls....Joseph took off and I didn't see him.

Here are Ken and the girls after they made it around the lap and they are on their way to the finish line.

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