Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Birdseed Wreaths

Check it out....a birdseed thing that actually turned out the way it was intended. We made these to go with one of the stories in our Short Stories unit in Moving Beyond the Page. They were very simple, too. 
1 packet of unflavored gelatin
2 T. cold water 
6 T. boiling water
2 c. birdseed
3 mini-bundt pans
Dissolve the gelatin in the 2T of cold water and let sit for a minute. Add the 6 T. of boiling water and stir until dissolved. Stir in birdseed until all seeds are coated. Let sit for a minute. Stir again. 
Spoon into bundt pans and let set (we put in them in the fridge for a couple of hours).
We, also, only 1/2 filled the pans because the "hole" didn't go all the way  to the top of the pan. 

I wonder if the birds will appreciate them!

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