Monday, December 6, 2010

Ginger Cookies and Berry Ink

We have been studying the Civil War in Moving Beyond the Page and today we talked about what a soldier's life would have been like.
After we finished our reading, we had a couple of fun things to do.
First, we made ink out of leftover raspberries (how lucky was that?!), vinegar and salt. Did you know that raspberry ink is blue when it dries? We didn't have any quill pens handy, so I snipped the end of straws to make a point. It worked great!

Then, we made gingerbread cookies. We had an assembly line going....scoop, roll in sugar, place on pan (we rotated so that everyone got to roll the balls in the sugar. ;)) The cookies are really yummy.


Marlis said...

Interesting to see that you have two lefties! I have one :)

Marlis said...

Interesting to see that you have two southpaws. I have one :)