Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Frisco Sci-Tech Discovery Center

We came across a deal for a family membership to the Sci-Tech Discovery Center in Frisco. And we can't pass up a deal! The kids and I went over there and spent hours (after spending hours at the car dealership on an $800 car inspection :p). Their exhibits, right now, are about Math and Coordination. The kids loved all of it and we spent an entire afternoon playing. The place was empty except for a few other families. Coincidentally, we ran into someone that I went to high school with and someone that Caroline went to Chinese school with. How bizarre is that?
They had a crazy tricycle that had square wheels but rode smoothly...

There were lots of coordination activities (Joseph was really good at these).

 And then.....BONUS! They had a COW EYE dissection! (Caroline had ZERO interest in touching a dissected cow eyeball, but the other two were really into it.)

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